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Showing posts from January, 2018

Lagu Pop Sentani - Gunung Cycloop by Black Brothers

Cerita Ikan Gergaji (Ikan Raksasa Air Tawar Danau Sentani)

Ikan Gergaji, Ikan ini Khas di Sapa Masyarakat Sentani dengan sebutan “Melemay” Ikan yang menyebar di Australia, India, Papua Nugini, Afrika Selatan dan Thailand ini tergolong penghuni air tawar dan menyukai daerah tropis. Biasanya mereka hidup di danau-danau besar, sungai besar atau rawa-rawa tertentu. Di Indonesia ikan hiu gergaji terdapat di Danau Sentani, Sungai Digul, Sungai Mahakam (Kalimantan), Sungai Siak dan Sungai Sepih. Tubuhnya tergolong ramping dibandingkan dengan hiu sejenis. Ini menyebabkan mereka bisa berenang dengan kecepatan di atas rata-rata dan dengan mudah melesat mengejar mangsa. Tubuh hiu jenis ini berwarna hitam keabu-abuan. Bagian bawah tubuhnya berwarna lebih pucat atau keputih-putihan. Warna tubuhnya cukup beragam, tergantung di mana habitat mereka. Penasaran juga tentang cerita ikan gergaji yang konon pernah ada di Danau Sentani, puluhan tahun lalu. Diyakini sebagai ikan asli sejak zaman dahulu selain buaya (khamdakhe). Masyarakat Sentani mengenal...

Lake Sentani

Lake Sentani Just out of Sentani, a paved road winds upward for 6 kilometers and climbs to Mount Ifar in the Cyclops Mountains. At Ifar stands a monument to general MacArthur, whose headquarters were located here. The site overlooks the humid lowlands and offers a splendid view of the lake. Local lore states that while gazing out over island-strewn Lake Sentani, MacArthur conceived his famous island-hopping strategy in the Pacific. At several places on the shores of Lake Sentani , you can arrange to rent an outboard-powered dogout ($10-$15 per hour) to visit the island villages or just ride arround the lake. While there are regular services, it’s better to charter one of these outboard-powered canoes, if you can afford it. Some are magnificent craft, hollewed out from a single, huge trunk. Many have painted or carved motifs in the old Sentani style (Sentani was formerly one of West Papua’s great art centers). One of the canoes, with a raised human figure in s stylized backg...